Purple chairs in reception with side view of corridor

A litigator's quiz: Third candle of Advent

16 December 2019

The quiz continues in its third week…rejoicing in landmarks in the legal profession in 2019.

2. After 100 years of women in law, 25% of the members of the UK Supreme Court were women in 2019 and the President of the UK Supreme Court was, for the first time, a woman. What percentage of High Court judges were women as of 1 April 2019?


(a) 37%

Incorrect, although this was the overall percentage of court and tribunal judges who were women.

The correct answer is (c). You can find more about diversity in the judiciary here.

(b) 18%


The correct answer is (c). You can find more about diversity in the judiciary here.

(c) 27%


You can find more about diversity in the judiciary here.

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